Saturday, February 12, 2011

Working With Vellum in Your Scrapbooking.

DO join social organizations and associations that aren't business referral groups, many referrals happen in a social situation.

DO be prepared by carrying your card at every point so that you can give them to folk whom you meet. Nevertheless do not just walk around a room handing out cards, give them to folks with whom you have a talk who want your card. DONTs Do not attend each networking event or group meeting that you hear about. Vellum is a routinely smooth, tough, but see through paper that is extremely popular with scrapbooking and card making fans. Using vellum on your pages will add style, elegance and is the ultimate choice for a marriage theme.

Actually if your turn your dumping toolchest the wrong way up, you'll be confounded at how many leftovers you may use for a marriage theme. Layering vellum adds a lovely soft appeal to any layout. Click link to get news on wedding hair veils. You may use ribbons to cover any ugly glue that could be identifiable thru the vellum, as ribbons and vellum work particularly well together. Hitting holes in the vellum and threading ribbons thru is also a sweet way to close off the edges. Try matting your romantic or marriage stills onto vellum for a feeling of love. By matting your photograph onto velum, you'll draw attention to the photograph. Before using vellum, ensure that you clean your hands, as the natural oils in your fingers can create apparent smudges, which may spoil the outward appearance of the vellum.

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